Gale Literature Currently, users can cross-search these collections:
* Gale Literature Criticism, one of the largest, most extensive compilations of literary commentary available
* Gale Literature Resource Center, offering up-to-date biographical information, overviews, full-text literary criticism, & reviews on more than 130,000 published novelists in all disciplines, from all time periods, & from around the world
* Gale Literature: LitFinder, containing a wealth of literary works, including over 150,000 full-text poems and more than 800,000 poetry citations as well as short stories, speeches, and plays
* Subcollections of Gale eBooks titles
* Gale Literature: Dictionary of Literary Biography, signed scholarly essays that provide essential context to understand the careers and writings of more than 12,000 published novelists from all time periods and all parts of the world.
* Gale Literature: Something About the Authors, engaging author biographies of classic, contemporary, and emerging novelists and illustrators of children’s and young adult works.
* Gale Literature: Contemporary Authors, current biographical and bibliographical data on more than 120,000 modern writers.