Cause and Effect Research Essay
Grading Rubric
STUDENT’S NAME _____________________________
_______ First paragraph contains an interesting “hook.” (5 points)
_______ Proper amount of background information without too (5 points)
much summarizing.
_______ Clear, original, arguable, one-sentence, three-pronged, (10 points)
underlined thesis statement
_______ At least one quotation per body paragraph, with (10 points)
appropriate parenthetical references.
_______ Content is original, detailed, and research-based. (40 points)
Comprehension of the topic is clear.
_______ Causes are successfully linked to effects, and (10 points)
fully supported by relevant, accurate, and specific
_______ Strong conclusion that restates the thesis statement, (10 points)
summarizes the three topic sentences, and leaves
the reader with an interesting final impression.
_______ Proper spelling, grammar, and mechanics (with a (5 points)
focus on gerunds and infinitives).
_______ Correct MLA formatting and citation, including (5 points)
font size, margins, line spacing, header, pagination,
parenthetical citations, and works cited page.
_______ TOTAL POINTS (out of 100)