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Immigration Research Project: Gordon: Thesis Statements

Turn of the Century - Immigration Research Project! Who participated in the American Experience and why? How did this influence the country in an economic, political or social way?

What is a Thesis Statement?

A thesis statement sums up the controlling idea of your research and should make clear the direction your research will follow. The thesis is stated at the beginning of your paper, usually at the end of the first paragraph. The thesis statement is based on research, and is characterized by its position or point of view. It should be expressed as a declarative statement. Everything in your paper provides content and support for the thesis statement, proving its validity. The personal pronoun "I" or "me" is not used in the thesis statement or any part of the research paper. Everything you write should be directly related to your thesis statement, either as an example or an explanation of its validity.

Watch the brief video on this page to help you understand exactly what a thesis statement should look like, and how it makes the writing of a research paper much easier!

Writing an Effective Thesis Statement