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Immigration Research Project: Gordon: Timeline

Turn of the Century - Immigration Research Project! Who participated in the American Experience and why? How did this influence the country in an economic, political or social way?


This timeline is an estimate. Be sure to check with Ms.Gordon on all due dates!

The paper is due the end of May 2021


Steps and Due Dates

Choosing a topic and Inquiry: March 31/April 1

Annotating Bibliography of 5 Sources: April 5

Note-Cards: 10 notecards (from 3-5 sources) due in noodletools on April 12

Thesis Writing:  Thesis statement due April 14 - graded

Updated Bibliography + 25 notecards (total) by April 21 - graded

Outline: April 25 - graded

Introduction Draft: April 28

Body Paragraphs:  May 5

Conclusion:  May 9
Cover Letter + Final Draft + Bibliography:  May  19 - graded