This timeline is an estimate. Be sure to check with Ms.Gordon on all due dates!
The paper is due the end of May 2021
Steps and Due Dates
Choosing a topic and Inquiry: March 31/April 1 |
Annotating Bibliography of 5 Sources: April 5 |
Note-Cards: 10 notecards (from 3-5 sources) due in noodletools on April 12 |
Thesis Writing: Thesis statement due April 14 - graded |
Updated Bibliography + 25 notecards (total) by April 21 - graded |
Outline: April 25 - graded |
Introduction Draft: April 28 |
Body Paragraphs: May 5 |
Conclusion: May 9 |
Cover Letter + Final Draft + Bibliography: May 19 - graded |