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Antebellum Reform Project: Gordon: Outlines: How To

Creating an Outline with Main Idea and Subpoints

Creating an Outline

Creating an Outline for an Essay

Most analytical, interpretive, or persuasive essays tend to follow the same basic pattern. This information should help you formulate effective outlines for most of the essays that you will write.

I. Introduction

     1. Sentence to get the attention of your readers: 

     2. One-sentence thesis statement: 

II. Body

     1. First main idea:

          a. Supporting evidence for the first idea:

          b. Supporting evidence for the first idea:

          c. Supporting evidence for the first idea:

     2. Second main idea:

          a. Supporting evidence for second main idea:

          b. Supporting evidence for second main idea:

          c. Supporting evidence for second main idea:

     3. Third main idea:

          a. Supporting evidence for third main idea:

          b. Supporting evidence for third main idea:

          c. Supporting evidence for third main idea:

III. Conclusion

     1. Restatement of your thesis:

     2. Insightful sentence to end your essay: