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Current Events Class: O'Brien: Home

This guide will provide direction for locating news and academic content from scholarly databases. It also provides information about the creation of disinformation in social media outlets

Dr. Martin Lutherr King Jr.

Education must enable one to sift and weigh evidence, to discern the true from the false, the real from the unreal, and the facts from the fiction.

- MLK Jr., Feb. 1947, Maroon Tiger, Moorehouse College


History Databases

Project Information Literacy - News Study

Citation Tools

Media Bias

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Digital Citizenship

Filter Bubbles - TEDTalk Conference: TEDWomen2017
Joan Blades and John Gable explain how to bridge the gaps in understanding between people on opposite sides of the political spectrum -- and create opportunities for mutual listening and consideration (Time: 9 minutes, 19 seconds))

Helpful website sources