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Spanish Map Project: Caballero: Assignment

Let's use maps to learn about the geography and history of our North, Central and South American neighbors!


This project is designed to have you explore a country in Central America, and connect the country to specific facts and a geographic location.

South America: The Assignment Part I

Working with your assigned country, locate the following interesting facts about your country and place them on the map. Be sure to use a picture of each item on your map in the proper geographical location.

Add at least one item for each bullet to your map. If you add more you can get extra credit!

  • Flag of your country
  • Capital of your country
  • Major indigenous site (answer Who, What, When, and Where)
  • Major industries or exports (ex: tourism, mining, etc.)
  • Fun Thing!!!: Locate popular music, fashion, or fads for your country and tell us about it. ( What is popular with young people in your country)

Central America: The Assignment Part I: Thinglink

Working with your assigned country, locate the following interesting facts about your country and place them on the map. Be sure to use a picture of each item on your map in the proper geographical location.

  • Major mountain or volcano
  • The most interesting animal from your country and its habitat
  • The national flower of your country

***Be prepared, in your presentation, to share at least two interesting facts about the mountain, animal and flower of your country.

The Assignment Part II: Presentation

For an example, please visit the sample project Ms. Caballero created using the Ecuadorian map.


  • After completing your Thinglink project you will share your work your with the class in a 5-10 minute oral presentation.
  • During the presentation you may not use written notes.
  • Please take some time to practice your presentation. 
  • Remember, you are being graded on the length of your presentation (between 5 and 10 minutes) as well as the content and your presentation skills.

This LibGuide has everything you need to locate sources for research and Thinkglink tips. The maps you will be using (depending on your geographic area are available for download in this LibGuide).

Be sure to check the rubrics for both the presentation and the project to make sure you have covered everything you need to get the best grade possible!